The Apostle’s Continuation Church.
Bremen Assembly.

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The Apostles’ Continuation Church International is a Pentecostal church and part of the body of Christ world-wide. The church was planted by the grace of God through the ministry of Apostle Emmanuel Kwadwo Owusu (now with the Lord) and eight other brethren in 1980. It all began in a town called Duayaw Nkwanta, in the Brong and Ahafo region of Ghana-West Africa in accordance with divine direction.
At the commencement of the church in Duayaw Nkwanta, it was agreed that the headquarters should forever be stationed there, with the exception of regional and district offices in all region and town in Ghana and other Africa countries. These should be opened for church business transmission of accounting returns and office correspondence.
By the grace of God, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church has established many assemblies in countries such as Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands and Spain. The church also serves Canada and Unites State of America. As a result, regional headquarters can be found all over Europe and North America.
The main aims and objectives of the church is to study the word, practice a righteous life style, and to go to other parts of the world to preach the Gospel to every creature. Who so ever believe shall be save and baptized as commanded in the Holy Scripture by the Lord Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15 and 18. We believe in miracles, signs and wonders which are usually seen in believers of Jesus Christ.
Our church  believes in teaching the Word of God with simplicity and understanding is her goal in every ministration. We believe the Bible is the written and inspired Word of God. Our mission is to invoke change in the lives of people across the globe. Further, their desire and vision is for all to hear the Word and gain understanding of God's love and promises and be save. With this global vision, Apostle Brakatu, other Apostles, pastors functions as the wheel outreach for the Apostles’ Continuation Church International world wide.
As our foundation is rooted in the infallible Word of God, we are  endeavour to see changes in the lives of individuals, families, and ministries around the world. This has prompted us to stand by our  vision and mission to spread the Gospel to a  far and near and to reach all races of people.
Our global vision has compare us to stand strong in our faith and this has also helped us to open offices in Europe, United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain, and several more scheduled offices to be open in the next few years. The Apostles’ Continuation Church International will continue to set the standard for excellence in ministry, and we are truly making a mark in the lives of millions that cannot be erased!. May His grace be with you amen.